Wow guys, it's 2010, and we're done. It's taken us 4 years, and it was tough for those 2 years where we barely saw each other, but it's done now. And not only that, but we are prepared for the next phase of our project. We all ought to be proud of ourselves, even those who left us. We've all contributed, and look where we've finally gotten.

-- Ellen
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1000 CRANES!!

yes! you heard it! we did it! we officially have over 1000 cranes!!! the last step is, we have to get together (yes ALL of us!) and count them we're even going to make a video that we're going to post HERE! of us counting them! hopefully we can do this soon, so that all of them are together *ELLEN* and we can make it official, we'll also discuss what we're going to do next. ahh, i was just looking at the post about our 300 crane talk, and now look at us! our much anticipated 1000 crane talk ahhh! sure, it's 3 years overdue, but we procrastinate, get forcibly split apart and went through a decent amount of other turbulence. It's kind of sad, the final crane count, at least for now, but i mean, there are so many memories in those cranes. a year of sitting at recess, making each one, with our counts every week *tears up*. well, as you can see it's kinda late so im going to stop now.


So short...but sweet
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The NEW (and hopefully final) facelift of FOS blog!

i hope you noticed how prettyfuls everything is now, and if you didn't, then just look at this screenshot...of the page you're viewing! Sorry! just trying out some new features. there are still some tweaks i want to add, but just no one PLEASE don't tamper with it or anything. it took me forever to pick out the template! i feel soo smarticle cuz im getting my html knowledge back! I also realized our old posts have nothing to do with anything, but i dont have the heart to delete them. as you all know, i live on memories, and i consider these posts to be a significant  one so there, they're staying! haha i laughed because there was one with a paper crane! i was going to use it...but it looked kinda cheesy, do i used this artsy one! i hope you like it!


P.S. if you have anything you'd like to put on the about, contact, or faq page, you can edit that. just go to the list of posts, and go all the way back, i backdated the timestamp so it wouldn't show up in recent posts!
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