My Dolling Webbie

Visit Artsy's Palace, my dolling website.

Artsy's Palace

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Okay Savvy

Savvy, you are slacking! You've skipped cranecount 2 WEEKS STRAIT. You are going to mess up this whole year. And it's only December. 4 months of school. 5 more to go. Will she make it, or will she strike OUT? Oh, three weeks, and you're OUT!


I finished another doll,

Who's slacking now, heh?
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Sorry! -sarcastic-

Like, how rude Savannah?

Jk. Anyway. Cranes counts will always be on Wednesdays now. I'll start posting here to remind everyone. You should all check the blog daily! Well actually...I don't, but we should. I don't have the record book right now, so I'll start posting next week.

I made this doll. I actually made it pixel by pixel. But no the body. I only made the outfit. I never finished the cloak, but I'm too excited to publish it. I'll make one of Sadako one day.

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You people are slacking 200 to go in 1 month! And I'm foregiving you cuz you haven't been on but I told you about jump. Press the corrisponding theing within .10 seconds of hearing it or seeing it.
Finally put my name Savannah
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