
Hey everyone! We are planning a meeting next Tuesday the 29th of December. Is everyone free? Remember to bring cranes!
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Hey guys,
I know I'm not the only one who has been slacking on the crane making...I've made about 10 in the past week and a half, which is HORRIBLE.  Ellen's been very good, she has more than 60 already! Come on guys, we need to contribute somewhat!

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We're at 868 cranes already! Waaaay more than we thought we did. I guess that trip to the island house and Savannah's random crane making added a pretty big amount! Keep on making those cranes! 868 down, 132 to go!
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New Layout/Font

Hey again! From now on, when we are posting, each person will have their own font. This way, it's easier to tell the posts apart and recognize the person whose post you're reading. So far:

The News is Verdana.
Kathleen is Georgia Italicized.
Ellen is Georgia in size small.

Comment on this post with your font. Keep in mind the only choices are Arial, Courier, Georgia, Helveltica, Times, Trebuchet, and Verdana. Of course, you can customize these fonts any way you'd like. Thanks!
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Okay, it's been awhile...

Hey guys! We need to do this, come on! We are almost there, so we really need to start taking donations and raising money! We can do this, I believe in us, so let's start it up again!

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Hey guys! Sorry we've been on hiatus for like, what, 3 years? Well, we are back and ready for action. We're nearly done with our first 1000, and we're planning on starting donations soon. Keep checking the blog, we'll have deadlines for the cranes up. Thanks!
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